Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thursday, November 6, 2008

You . . . are a MURDERER of love!!

I decided something a couple days ago. I am finished putting up with love murderers. Well, murderers of my love. It sounds selfish because it is, but I can longer invest myself in people who are self absorbed happiness drainers. I understand people have bad days and every relationship is give and take, but I want my relationships to have some balance.

In 1897, Bram Stoker wrote the horror classic Dracula. This novel describes the slow, draining effect of the vampire as he feeds first off of Lucy, then Mina. In the stage version of the story, at one point, Mina receives a blood transfusion from Jonathan Harker. Although the action is interrupted, he is willing to give to her—literally—his life. Loving someone (no matter the capacity) is the equivalent of giving them blood. The relationship between Mina and Dracula is also perversely cemented when he offers her his blood, both of them feeding off the other. Investing in someone, mourning with them, comforting, bearing burdens . . . all those things are part of the giving and receiving of transfusions. But it cannot all be one way. I can no longer invest in vampires.

I have both family and friends that care about me. I live a happy life. Nothing is obligating me to care about the people I choose to have in my life anymore. As a theatre major, my life is drama-filled enough without indulging crazy people. And I can also see that it’s ok to care about someone without becoming bogged down in their emotional quicksand. So from here on out, I withdraw my blood from happiness vampires. Go find yourself some other O+.

. . . on another note, Halloween was awesome! Here are a few of my favorite non-Vampires: